Festivals and Celebrations

                                                 Vatican city


The flag of Vatican City State is divided vertically into two equal parts, yellow (at the left) and white (at the right ).  The white part bears the traditional papal shield, the crossed keys of St. Peter under the papal tiara.  It is commonly called the “papal flag” (Italian, bandiera pontificia), and was adopted on June 7, 1929.


Audience with the Pope

An audience with Pope takes place in St Peter’s Square every Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. The Pope arrives by Pope-mobile gives blessings in many  languages and to acknowledge individual groups of pilgrims and is also for non-Catholics.



St. Peter's Square comes alive with activity on Friday.
Review of the Stations of the Cross are held in many languages​​, macking this event accessible to all.

International Festival of Sacred Music and Art

This Vatican-organized, fall event in November sees a series of concerts take place in churches across Rome and Vatican City, including the spectacular St Peter’s Basilica. The concerts are accompanied by the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. Money raised through the concerts goes toward the restoration of religious art and architecture.


This is a popular time to visit Vatican City as the Pope holds Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve at St Peter’s Basilica. It may not be possible to get inside the church for this event, with tickets needing to be booked far in advance, Christmas Day is marked by the Pope’s Christmas message.

New Year’s Day

This day has been celebrated as the World Day of Peace by the Vatican since Pope Paul VI’s reign, with the message delivered one of peace.


Into = De ... 


Shield = Bandera


Tiara = Tiara, diadema

Square = plaza

Acknowledge = Reconoser

Piligrims = peregrinos

Churches = Iglesias

holds = matienen

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